Artist:Scientist Label:Tectonic
#: Press: Genre:Other/Club Contents: 入荷日:3/2/2011 Release Date:2/2011 Track:24- Scientist vs Pinch & Emika - 2012 Dub
- Scientist vs Armour [Roly Vex'd] - The Long Way Dub
- Scientist vs Guido - Korg Back Dub
- Scientist vs Shackleton - Marshes Dub
- Scientist vs King Midas Sound - U Dub
- Scientist vs ASBO [Loefah & SGT Pokes] - Dog Money Dub
- Scientist vs Distance - Ill Kontent Dub
- Scientist vs RSD - After All Dub
- Scientist vs Jack Sparrow - Red Sand Dub
- Scientist vs Mala [Digital Mystikz] - City Cycle Dub
- Scientist vs Cyrus [Random Trio] - Footsteps Dub
- Scientist vs Kode 9 & Spaceape - Abeng Dub
- Pinch & Emika - 2012
- Armour [Roly Vex'd] - The Long Way
- Guido - Korg Back
- Shackleton - Marshes
- King Midas Sound - U
- ASBO [Loefah & SGT Pokes] - Dog Money [Lovemix]
- Distance - Ill Kontent
- RSD ft Prince Jamo - After All
- Jack Sparrow - Red Sand
- Mala [Digital Mystikz] - City Cycle
- Cyrus [Random Trio] - Footsteps
- Kode 9 & Spaceape - Abeng
| - 推薦
- ★★★★★
- Review
- ブリストルのPinch主催のDubstepレーベル「Tectonic」からScientistがDub Stepシーンを牽引しているアーティストの音源をコンパイル!暗黒的な世界へ引っ張られるかのような魔術的なミックスが冴え渡り、あまりDub Stepを耳にしない方も新鮮なタイトル!毎回お馴染みのイラストジャケもファンの心をくすぐります!2枚組全24曲収録!
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