CD:War and disaster(Kaeru Cafe)
注文番号:867-44 Format:CD 価格:\3150

Label:Kaeru Cafe

Release Date:
  1. bomb (爆弾)
  2. nuclear bomb (核爆弾)
  3. grenade (手榴弾)
  4. cannon A-1
  5. cannon A-2
  6. cannon A-3
  7. cannon A-4
  8. cannon B
  9. cannon C
  10. cannon D
  11. cannon E
  12. trench mortar (迫撃砲)
  13. an antiaircraft gun (高射砲)
  14. cannon F
  15. an impacted bomb (着弾)
  16. machine gun A
  17. machine gun B
  18. machine gun C
  19. machine gun D
  20. machine gun E
  21. machine gun F
  22. machine-gun mopping-up
  23. M60 helicopter A
  24. M60 helicopter B
  25. pistol movement A
  26. pistol movement B
  27. pistol operation
  28. pistol
  29. rifle machine gun
  30. shoot each other (射ち合い)
  31. helicopter A
  32. helicopter B
  33. helicopter C
  34. helicopter D
  35. take off
  36. jet plane low-altitude flight A
  37. jet plane low-altitude flight B
  38. jet plane low-altitude flight C
  39. empty war (空戦)
  40. tank and infantryman
  41. tank (戦車)
  42. battlefield (戦場)
  43. attack (襲撃)
  44. land warfare (陸上戦)
  45. air alert (空襲警報)
  46. warning release (警報解除)
  47. jungle of night
  48. the march A (行進)
  49. the march B (行進)
  50. attack-horn (trumpet)
  51. sound in battlefield (戦場)
  52. icsauma (戦馬)
  53. war drum (陣太鼓)
  54. formation battle (陣合戦)
  55. sword A (刀で斬る)
  56. sword B (刀を振る)
  57. bow and arrow (弓矢)
  58. landslide (崖崩れ)
  59. Ground collapse (地崩れ)
  60. underground rumbling A
  61. underground rumbling B
  62. earthquake A (地震)
  63. earthquake B (地震)
  64. earthquake C (地震)
  65. crack (地割)
  66. fire A (火事)
  67. fire B (火事)
  68. fire C (火事)
  69. thunder A
  70. thunder B
  71. thunder C
  72. thunder D
  73. volcanic explosion A (火山爆発)
  74. volcanic explosion B (火山爆発)
  75. volcanic explosion C (火山爆発)
  76. volcanic explosion D (火山爆発)
  77. volcanic explosion E (火山爆発)
  78. traffic accident (交通事故)
  79. ambulance (救急車)
  80. police car A
  81. police car B
  82. fire truck (消防車)
日本が世界に誇るサンプリングの王者的レーベルKaeru Cafeの最新作!今作は戦争の音に加え 地震、カミナリ、火事、おやじ× を収録。実録・生音が収録された貴重な音源 日本刀の切り裂く音、地鳴りや地震など災害、天災 を中心に地球の声が聞こえてくる!

HI FASHION RECORDS t:050-3393-5278 t:042-727-2582(12:00-21:00) f:03-5204-9354