Artist:Lee Perry Label:Heartbeat
#: Press: Genre:Dub Contents: 入荷日:8/10/2007 Release Date:10/2007 Musician:BASS: Robbie, Boris Gardner, Clive Hunt, Winston Wright
DRUMS: Boo Richards, Benbow, Sly Dunbar
GUITAR: Chinna Smith, Willie Lindo, Billy Johnson, Geoffrey Chung, Ronny Williams, Ernest Ranglin
KEYBOARDS: Robbie Lyn, Keith Sterling, Theo Beckford, Winston Wright
HORNS: Dirty Harry, Glen DaCosta, Bobby Ellis, David Madden, Vin Gordon
PERCUSSION: Lee Perry, Sticky, Skully
MELODICA: Augustus Pablo Track:12- Devon Irons - Ketch Vampire (Previously Unreleased Extended Mix)
- Aura Lewis & Full Experience - Full Experience (Previously Unreleased)
- Lee Perry - Baffling Smoke Signal
- Brent Dowe - Down Here In Babylon (Previously Unreleased Alternate Version)
- Upsetters - Natty Take Over (Previously Unreleased)
- Upsetters - Lizard Stick (Previously Unreleased)
- Congos - Ark Of The Covenant (Previously Unreleased Extended Mix)
- Upsetters - Set Up Yourself (Previously Unreleased)
- Leroy Sibbles - Garden Of Life
- Congos - Feast of The Passover
- Alimantado - Reggae Music
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 - 推薦
- ★★★★☆
- Review
- これはすばらしい!ご存知、Lee Perry、ハードコアなBlack Ark時代の70年代もの録音テイク、未発表テイクを多く含む、コンパイルタイトルがHearbeatからリリース!未発表テイクは3曲、そして多くの未発表ロングテイク、そしてCD化初となるタイトルなどを収録。イージーなコンピレーションとは異なる、本物のLee Perryファン向きのタイトルといえるでしょう!キラーな推薦盤!オカ
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