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CD[*2]:Lee Perry/Perry Picks Perry:the Lee Perry Jukebox(Trojan)
注文番号:776-79 Format:CD[*2] 価格:\2680 -> \2280 SALE!

Artist:Lee Perry

#:TJDDD 341
Release Date:2/2007
  1. Give Me Justice
  2. Woodman
  3. Run For Cover
  4. I Am The Upsetter
  5. Kimble The Nimble
  6. People Funny Boy
  7. Honey Love - Walters, Burt
  8. Evol Yenoh - Upsetters
  9. Tighten Up - Inspirations
  10. Return Of Django - Upsetters
  11. Man From MI5 - Upsetters
  12. Clint Eastwood - Upsetters
  13. Live Injection - Upsetters
  14. Medical Operation - Upsetters
  15. Prisoner Of Love - Barker, Dave
  16. My Cup - Marley, Bob & The Wailers
  17. Soul Rebel - Marley, Bob & The Wailers
  18. 400 Years - Tosh, Peter & The Wailers
  19. Duppy Conqueror - Marley, Bob & The Wailers
  20. Kaya - Marley, Bob & The Wailers
  21. Small Axe - Marley, Bob & The Wailers
  22. Rhythm Land - U Roy
  23. Beat Down Babylon - Byles, Junior
  24. Words Of My Mouth - Gatherers
  25. To Be A Lover - Duffus, Chenley
  26. I Do Love You - Heptones
  27. Cow Thief Skank - Perry, Lee 'Scratch' & Charlie Ace
  28. Bathroom Skank
  29. Kentucky Skank
  30. Dub Organiser - Upsetters & Dillinger
  31. Rejoice Jah Jah Children - Silvertones
  32. - Jah Lion
  33. Penny Reel - Prince Jazzbo
  34. Enter The Dragon - Upsetters
  35. Hurt So Good - Cadogan, Susan
  36. Curley Locks - Byles, Junior
  37. Move Out Of My Way - Bunny Rugs
  38. Kojak - Perry, Lee 'Scratch' & The Upsetters
  39. Fire Fe The Vatican - Max Romeo
  40. Sons Of Slaves - Delgado, Junior
  41. - Marley, Bob
  42. Bad Food - Molenga, Seke & Kalo Kawongolo
  43. Judgement Inna Babylon
  44. I Am A Madman
  45. Jamaican ET
お得ベスト盤!来日公演も大人気だったLee Perry、そのLee Perry自身による自作セレクトの、コンピレーションがTrojanからリリース!Lee Perry自身が演奏、シンガーである作品はもとより、Upstters、Bob Marley、u royの作品などもCD2枚に45曲収録、これはLee Perry入門用にベストだろう!

HI FASHION RECORDS t:050-5532-7917 t:042-727-2582(12:00-21:00) f:03-5204-9354