Artist:VA Label:Trojan
#: Press:UK Genre:Roots Contents:ボックスセット 入荷日:20/7/2004 Release Date:7/2004 Track:54- Maytals - Bam Bam
- Derrick Harriott - Our Time Fe Celebrate
- The Jamaicans - Baba Boom
- Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Unity
- Al & The Vibrators - Move Up (Festival Time)
- Maytals - I'm A Big Man
- Desmond Dekker & The Aces - Intensified '68 (Music Like Dirt)
- Derrick Harriott - Tang! Tang! Festival Song
- Roy Shirley - Golden Festival
- Maytals - Bim Today (Bam Bam Tomorrow)
- Techniques - Run Come Celebrate (Festival '68)
- Versatiles - The Time Has Come
- Marva Moore & The Gaysters - Great '68
- Clancy Eccles - Festival '68
- Maytals - Sweet And Dandy
- Jamaicans - Feel The Festive Spirit
- Federals - Wailing Festival
- Pat Kelly - Festival Time
- Silvertones - Intensified Change
- Conquerors - National Dish
- Roy Shirley - Freedom Festival
- Pioneers - Boss Festival
- Clarendonians - Lick It Back (Festival '69)
- Keith & Tex - Yaba Yah (Festival Song)
- Tennors - Festival Knocks
- Peter Ashboune Affair - Bangarang Festival
- Soul Twins - Pound Get A Blow
- Hopeton Lewis, The Chosen Few - Boom Sha-ka-la-ka
- Jamaicans - Sing Freedom
- Twinkle Brothers - (Shu Be Do) You Can Do It Too
- Tennors - Hopeful Village
- Cables - Feel All Right
- Maytones - Another Festival
- Eric Donaldson - Cherry Oh Baby
- Max Romeo - Don't Be Prejudice
- Toots & The Maytals - Pomps And Pride
- Jr. Byles - Festival Da Da
- Derrick Morgan - Festival 10
- Billy Dice & The Untouchables - Unity Is Love
- Shenley Duffus & The Soul Avengers - Peace (In Jamaica)
- Eric Donaldson - Blue Root
- U Roy - Festival Wise
- Hofner Brothers - The King Man Is Back
- Lionel 'Shorty' James - Festival Power
- Morvin Brothers - (Jump In Line) Festival Time
- Eric Donaldson - What A Festival
- I Roy - Version Festival
- Adina Edwards - Love I Festival
- Dillinger - Fesival Rock
- Tinga Stewart - Play De Music
- Turnell McCormack & The Cordells - Irie Festival
- Roman Stewart - Hooray Festival
- Jackie Edwards - This Is Another Festival
- Johnny Clarke - Joyful Festival
| - 推薦
- ★★★★★
- Review
- これはかなりオススメなタイトルがUKベースのレーベルTrojanからリリース!ジャマイカでは1966年から毎年"National Jamaica Festival Song"というコンペティションが70年代中期まで行われており、毎年、このFestivalを祝う、ビックアーティストの曲が発表されてきた。このアルバムはその1966年から1975年までのエントリー曲をコンパイルしたものであり、ロックステディ、メント、レゲエなどの楽曲を収録ご存知Bam Bam/The Maytals、Baba Boom/The Jamaicansなどなど古きよき時代の名曲を時代にわけて、CD2枚組みに54曲収録している。オールディーズファンにはたまらないだろう!
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