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CD:VA/Rhythm Album Good to Go(Greensleeves) *Good to Go -販売終了しました- 注文番号:579-48 Format:CD 価格:\2380 | |
Artist:VA Label:Greensleeves Riddim:Good to Go #:GRELCD 744 Press:UK Genre:Dancehall/A:Riddim Album Contents:リディム物 入荷日:14/8/2003 Release Date:8/2003 Produce:Donavan 'Vendetta' Bennett Track:20
LP[*2]:Va/Rhythm Album Good To Go(Greensleeves) *Good To Go -販売終了しました- 注文番号:579-49 Format:LP[*2] 価格:\1880 | |
Artist:Va Label:Greensleeves Riddim:Good To Go #:GRELD 744 Press:UK Genre:Dancehall/A:Riddim Album Contents:リディム物 入荷日:14/8/2003 Release Date:8/2003 Produce:Donavan 'Vendetta' Bennett Track:20