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CD[*2]:U Roy/Version Galore(Trojan)
注文番号:549-98 Format:CD[*2] 価格:\2480

Artist:U Roy

Release Date:2003
  1. Your Ace From Space
  2. on The Beach
  3. version Galore
  4. true Confession
  5. tide Is High
  6. things You Love
  7. the Same Song
  8. happy Go Lucky Girl
  9. rock Away(you’ll Never Get Away)
  10. wear You To The Ball
  11. don't Stay Away
  12. hot Pop
  13. wake The Town
  14. big Boy And Teacher(aka What Is Catty)
  15. this Station Rule The Nation
  16. love I Tender
  17. tom Drunk-hopeton Lewis&hugh Roy
  18. true, True
  19. i’m Flashing My Whip
  20. do It Right
  21. drive Her Home
  22. behold
  23. way Back Home
  24. everybody Bawling
  25. ain't That Loving You
  26. do Re Mi(aka Super Boss)
  27. my Girl 30
  28. peace And Love
  29. words Of Wisdom
  30. on The Beach-the Paragons
  31. you Have Caught Me-the Melodians
  32. my True Confession-the Silvertones
  33. the Tide Is High-the Paragons
  34. things You Say You Love-the Jamaicans
  35. the Same Song-the Paragons
  36. happy Go Lucky Girl-the Paragons
  37. you'll Never Get Away(aka You Don’t Need Me)- The Melodians
  38. wear You To The Ball-the Paragons
  39. don't Stay Away-phyllis Dillon
  40. hopeful Village-the Tennors
  41. girl I've Got A Date-alton Ellis&the Flames
  42. love Is Not A Gamble(tears On My Pillow)-the Techniques
  43. mother's Tender Care-the Ethiopians
  44. these Eyes (aka Crying Every Night)-stranger Cole
  45. true True True-ken Parker
  46. only A Smile-the Paragons
  47. do It Right-the Three Tops
  48. everybody Bawling-the Melodians
  49. ain't That Loving You(for More Reasons Than One)-alton Ellis&the Flames
  50. last Train To Ecstasy-the Melodians
  51. my Girl-the Techniques
  52. peace And Love-the Jamaicans
  53. in The Midnight Hour-the Silvertones
  54. mighty Alley-tommy Mccook&the Supersonics
  55. nehru-tommy Mccook&the Supersonics
  56. the Ball-earl Lindo&the Supersonics
  57. black Power-winston Wright&the Supersonics
  58. drive Her Home(version)-tommy Mccook&the Supersonics
いわずとしれたTresure Isleの有名曲Rock SteadyサウンドにトークオーバーするDjのパイオニイア、U Royの大ヒットアルバムTrojan盤がニューリリース。こちらのはなんと、Cd二枚組になっていて、オリジナルアルバムはもとより、トーク−オーバーのネタとなったシンガーテイクももれなく収録され、"version Galare"の決定版となっている。ほんとこれで決まりのタイトルです!!

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