Artist:Va Label:Trojan
#:TJETD003 Press:UK Genre:Roots&Dub Contents:ボックスセット 入荷日: Release Date:4/2002 Track:50- Skinhead Train - The Charmers
- mix Up Girl - The Creations
- hee Cup - Sir Harry
- overproof (little Darlin') - King Cannon (carl Bryan)
- copy Cat - Derick Morgan
- the Law - Andy Capp
- soul Call - The Soul Rhythms
- music Street - The Harmonians
- v Rocket - The Fabion
- what Am I To Do - Tony Scott
- spread Your Bed - The Versatile
- john Public (tom Hark) - The Dynamites
- casa Boo Boo - Cool Sticky
- smile (my Baby) - The Tennors
- zapatoo The Tiger - Roland Alphonso
- work It - The Viceroys
- wiggle Waggle - The Wanderers
- qua Kue Shut - The Creations
- shine Eye Gal - Vincent Foster
- history - Harry & Radcliffe
- wha'pen - Sir Lord Comic
- last Flight To Reggae City - Tommy Mccook & Stranger Cole
- the Burner - Vincent Gordon & The Dynamics
- tribute To Drumbago (last Call) - The Dynamites
- bigger Boss - Ansel Collins
- the Horse - Theo Beckford's Group
- a Taste Of Killing - The Upsetters
- don Juan - Boris Gardner & The Love People
- dollars And Bonds - Lloyd Charmers
- 2000 Tons Of Tnt - The G G All Stars
- death In The Arena - Rupie Martin's All Stars
- motherless Children - Willie Francis
- sweet Confusion - Elizabethan Serenade
- pick Out Me Eye
- skinheads A Bash Them - Claudette & The Corporation
- trouble In The Town - Dandy
- skinhead A Message - Desmond Riley
- reggae Fever - The Pioneers
- night Food Reggae - Des All Stars (aka The Rudies)
- brixton Cat - Rico & The Rudies
- skinhead Speaks Don't Fear - The Hot Rod All Stars
- red Red Wine - Tony Tribe
- loch Ness Monster - King Horror
- skinheads Don't Fear - The Hot Rod All Stars
- concord - The Prophets
- funky Groovy - Winston Groovy
- skinhead Moonstomp - Symarip
- funky Duck - Count Suckle
- skinhead Revolt - Joe The Boss
- queen Of The World - Claudette
| - 推薦
★★★★☆- Review
- Trajanのサービスボックスシリーズ!こちらはUkのスキンヘッドが好んで聴いたことから、Skinheadレゲエとよばれる、60年代後半から70年代前半までの、ヒットチューン50曲をCd3枚ボックスセットに収めたもの。この路線の有名曲がぎっしり収録、なかにはCd化初のテイクも多く含んでいるとことも見逃せない!
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