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LP[*2]:Yabby U/Jesus Dread Part 1 (2LP)(Simply Vinyl)
注文番号:481-65 Format:LP[*2] 価格:\2880

Artist:Yabby U
Label:Simply Vinyl

Release Date:2000
  1. Vivian Jackson and the Defenders/Love Thy Neighbour
  2. Vivian Jackson and the Ralph Brothers/Conquering Lion
  3. Tommy McCook and Don D. Jnr./Fisherman Special
  4. Big Youth and Vivian Jackson/Yabby Youth
  5. King Tubby/Big Youth Fights Against Capitalism
  6. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/Covetous Men
  7. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/Run Come Rally
  8. Upsetter Mix/Rally Dub
  9. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/Anti-Christ
  10. Dicky Burton/God is Watching You
  11. Augustus Pablo and Vivian Jackson/Pablo Dread in a Red
  12. King Tubby/King Tubby's Rock
  13. The Prophets/Warn the Nation
  14. King Tubby/Honey Dub
  15. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/Carnal Mind
  16. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/Love of Jah
  17. King Tubby/Love of Jah version
  18. Vivian Jackson and the Prophets/The Man who does the Work
  19. Vivian Jackson and the Sons of Jah/Jah Vengeance
  20. Tommy McCook/Revenge
  21. Dillinger/Freshly
  22. Tappa Zukie/Natty Dread on the Mountain Top
  23. Trinity/Gwan and Lef' Me
  24. King Tubby/ubby's Vengeance
  25. Tommy McCook/Death Trap
Blood&fireレーベルからリリースされたYabby U代表曲を網羅したYabby Uの集大成アルバム、Simply Vinylによるアナログ盤。オリジナルは限定ボックス4枚組だったが、このリリースでは2枚組を2タイトルにわけてリリースされた。こちらはパート1

HI FASHION RECORDS t:050-5532-7917 t:042-727-2582(12:00-21:00) f:03-5204-9354