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LP:Scientist/Meets The Roots Radics(Sound System) -販売終了しました- 注文番号:480-53 Format:LP 価格: 注)表示のセール価格は通信販売のみ適用されます | |
Artist:Scientist Label:Sound System #: Press:US Genre:Roots&Dub Contents: 入荷日:29/8/2005 Release Date:8/2001 Mix:Scientist Musician:Roots Radics:Style Scott ,Flabba Holt ,Bingy Bunny ,Steelie Johnson ,Gladstone Anderson ,Noel Bailey ,Dwight Pickney ,Sky Juice Blake ,Dean Frazer ,Nambo Robinson Track:10
CD:Scientist/Meets The Roots Radics(Sound System) -販売終了しました- 注文番号:502-00 Format:CD 価格:\1980 | |
Artist:Scientist Label:Sound System #: Press: Genre:Roots&Dub Contents: 入荷日:10/10/2006 Release Date:2000 Recording Date:1980 Musician:Roots Radics:Style Scott ,Flabba Holt ,Bingy Bunny ,Steelie Johnson ,Gladstone Anderson ,Noel Bailey ,Dwight Pickney ,Sky Juice Blake ,Dean Frazer ,Nambo Robinson Track:15