Artist:VA Label:Roots Temple
#: Press: Genre:Newroots Contents: 入荷日:15/4/2012 Release Date: Produce:Chazbo Track:20- Roots Temple - Ital Horns
- Dubplate Temple-Iquela & kyan
- Dubplate Mountain
- Chant To The King - Sai meets Barry issac
- Dubplate From Zion
- Holy Zion - Empress Shema Meets Chazbo
- Dubplate From Zion
- 7 Winds From The East - Makiko & Bush Chemists
- DubPlate From The East
- Hitosuzi - Jahpan Tubbys meets Culture Freeman
- Dubplate Hitosuki
- Jah Lightning - Chazbo meets barry Issac
- Dubplate Lightning
- Golden Fountain - Cultre Freeman meets Chazbo
- Dubplate Fountain
- Eastman Rock - Chazbo
- Dubplate Eastman Rock
- Melody For Eden - Ital Horns
- Dubplate For Eden
| - 推薦
- ★★★★★
- Review
- ChazboのレーベルRoots TempleからリリースされていたBenefit For Japan CD。ほとんどが日本人が参加さしたDub Plateとなっている熱い一枚だ。
- Comment