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CD[*4]:Revolutionaries, Aggrovators, Niney The Observer, Tommoy McCook - /Evolution Of Dub Vol. 2 (4 CD) (Greensleeves )
注文番号:924-24 Format:CD[*4] 価格:\3280

Artist:Revolutionaries, Aggrovators, Niney The Observer, Tommoy McCook -

Release Date:6/2009
  1. Aggravators - A Dancing Dub
  2. Aggravators - A Version I Can Feel With Love
  3. Aggravators - A Loving Melody
  4. Aggravators - The Mighty Gates Of Goza
  5. Aggravators - Bongo Man Dub
  6. Aggravators - True Believer In Dubs
  7. Aggravators - The Duke Of Dubs
  8. Aggravators - The Big Boss Boss Of Dubs
  9. Aggravators - Behold Dis Ya Dub Of Class
  10. Aggravators - Dance With Me
  11. Aggravators - A Gigantic Dub
  12. Aggravators - The Gorgan Of Dubs And Horns
  13. Aggravators - None Shall Escape Dub
  14. Aggravators - Fatty Boom Dub
  15. Aggravators - Dread Locks Bald Head Dub
  16. Aggravators - Two Face Rasta Dub
  17. Aggravators - Tradition Dub
  18. Aggravators - Take My Hand Dub
  19. Aggravators - Hold On Dub
  20. Aggravators - Ja Ja In De Dub
  21. Aggravators - Ites Gold Green Dub
  22. Aggravators - No Woman No Cry Dub
  23. Aggravators - Small Axe Dub
  24. Aggravators - If You Should Loose Me Dub
  25. The Revolutionaries - The Conqueror
  26. The Revolutionaries - The Mighty Gorgon
  27. The Revolutionaries - Bionic Man
  28. The Revolutionaries - Seven Million Dollar Man
  29. The Revolutionaries - Big Foot
  30. The Aggravators - Ethiopians Rock
  31. The Aggravators - The Dark Destroyer
  32. The Aggravators - Special Brew
  33. The Aggravators - Super Larger
  34. The Aggravators - Russian Stout
  35. The Aggravators - Shub-Inn
  36. Niney - Dub Long Rastafari
  37. Niney - Travelling Version
  38. Niney - You're No Dub Baby
  39. Niney - Burning Dub
  40. Niney - Kingsgate Version
  41. Niney - Dub Now
  42. Niney - God Bless My Dub
  43. Niney - Everyones Dubbing
  44. Niney - Rich And Poor Dub
  45. Niney - Tribulation Version
Greensleevesから驚愕のCD Boxがリリース!Tommy McCook / Bress Rockers, Aggrovatores / Rasta Dub 76,Aggrovatores meets Revolutionaers At Channel One Studio Studios, Nniy Slegdehammer Dubの4枚を一枚にした硬質Rockers Dub大好きな人には重宝するすぐれもの。Nniy Slegdehammer Dub以外はKing TubbyがMixを担当してますがSlegdehammer Dubもそうとう強烈なので一切問題なし!Dub初心者やアナログ派でもまとめて車で聞きたいって人には非常に有効なシリーズです!

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