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LP[*2]:Jacob Miller/A Chapter A Day (2LP)(VP)
注文番号:427-94 Format:LP[*2] 価格:\1880

Artist:Jacob Miller

Release Date:1999
  1. Foreward Jah Jah Children (Remix with Luciano)
  2. Westbound Train (Remix with Freddie McGregor)
  3. Your Kiss Is Sweet (Remix with Red Rat)
  4. Curfew (Remix with Kymani Marley)
  5. I've Got The Handle (Remix with Tony Rebel)
  6. Here I Am Baby (Remix with General Degree)
  7. Standing Firm (Remix with Sanchez)
  8. Tenament Yard
  9. All Night Till Day Light
  10. Mixed Up Moods
  11. Tired Fe Lick Weed
  12. Take A Lift
  13. Once Upon A Time
  14. Forward Ever Backward Never
  15. Discipline hild
  16. Chapter A Say
  17. Shakey Girk
  18. Mr. Brown
  19. Jolly Joseph
  20. Sinners
  21. Roman Soldiers Of Babylon
  22. Mr. Officer
  23. 80,000 Careless Ethiopians
  24. Healing Of A Nation
  25. Suzy Wong
  26. I Shall Be Released
  27. Unfinished Symphony
  28. We A Rockers
  29. I'm Rastaman
  30. Peace Treaty
  31. Westbound Train (Original)
  32. Forward Jah Jah Children (Original)

HI FASHION RECORDS t:050-5532-7917 t:042-727-2582(12:00-21:00) f:03-5204-9354